My name is Melissa Rodriguez; I am 29 years old, I was born the 02 February, in a few days is my birthday number 30. I am married but I don’t have children. I have two brothers and one sister, I also have two nieces.
I live in Nicoya, Guanacaste, so I travel to the university the days I have class. I am studying accounting, I`m about to finish. I work in an accounting office with my parents; so I have to organize my time well because it is difficult to do my job, travel and study. So it has been hard to finish my studies because I have always worked.
I don’t have many hobbies, but I like to share with my family, go swimming, go to the beach and go on motorcycle trips with my husband.
My goals are to finish the university, to make the office grow more and build my house.
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