To enjoy a delicious “picadillo de arracache” we must achieve the following ingredients 2 lbs arracache, peeled and chopped 1lbs lean ground beef, Chorizo sausage or Italian sausage 1 cup onions, finely chopped 1 cup red bell pepper, finely chopped 3 tablespoon garlic, minced and marinated in olive oil 1 roll cilantro, chopped 1 tablespoon annatto 2 tablespoon lard or vegetable oil 1 (5 oz) can tomato paste 2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon oregano, grind ½ teaspoon cumin Salt and pepper to taste Tabasco sauce to taste
The first thing we do is process the arrecache this if we have one of those beautiful machines kitchen bite or cut you what you need or if you do not have it with a sharp knife and carefully chop arracache, Now, let's find a pot and Heat lard or oil, annatto, onions, garlic, red bell pepper, cilantro and tomato paste in a saucepan over medium high for five minutes stirring often. If you stir it while you can go to enjoy the delicious smell of the ingredients while they cook slowly. Add ground beef and arracache and with it the smell will be much better and so can imagine the richness of this picadillo.
Find a cup and Add 2 cups water and cover for two minutes. while spending two minutes can prepare the table for this list as soon as you finish this tasty recipe. continue stirring often and if you want a little music to make it more pleasant Keep doing this arrecache until the soft.
Now to put more flavor Add cumin, oregano, salt and pepper to taste. I hope will be almost ready tortillas and preferably of pure corn Guanacaste very close to that hot and Serve on a tortilla and if you who like the spicy Put an with Tabasco sauce to taste and ready !!! To enjoy this delicious typical food
In my town is always very typical the picadillo de arracache on a party and do and people love it I like to eat it with some tortillas and a coffee